Pickleball Science

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Recent Posts

Here are our most recent posts.  If you like this blog please bookmark this page, as we will try to post new articles monthly.  If there are other topics or questions that you want us to address, please Contact Us to provide feedback and suggestions.

Does Friction Create More Spin?

Your ability to impart spin to the pickleball is an important skill that can add new dimensions to your game.  Spin affects the ball’s aerodynamics, causing it to drop, rise, float, or curve as it sails through the air.  This...

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Joola Hyperion & Perseus Paddle Review – UPDATED

This article was originally written in December 2023.  Since that time, we have developed new testing methodologies and criteria for classifying paddles for power, control, and spin and have summarized the test results of several paddles in our article, “Paddle...

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What do the Swing Weight Numbers Mean?

Contrary to popular belief, a paddle’s swing weight is not an intrinsic property of the paddle, nor will the same paddle provide the same swing weight for every player.  This is because the paddle swing weight depends on how and...

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How Does Temperature Affect a Pickleball?

Many pickleball enthusiasts are willing to brave extreme cold or hot temperatures to play their favorite sport.  While we all know (intuitively) that warmer temperatures translate into softer balls, has anyone determined quantitatively the relationship between ambient temperature and ball...

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Paddle Technical Characteristics

In a companion article, “Paddle Technical Data“, we presented test and analysis results of several different paddles that will enable you to objectively compare the technical characteristics of several different paddles so that you can find your ideal paddle.  What...

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Paddle Frequency & Power

In several articles (see for example “Paddle Dynamics“), we alluded to the idea that the amount of power in a pickleball paddle is maximized with lower-stiffness paddles.  This is due to the fact that when you strike the ball, the...

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Paddle Technical Data

This article supersedes a previous article (“Paddle Technical Comparisons”) and presents technical data for several paddles where various weight and stiffness characteristics were measured and analyzed.  An explanation of these technical characteristics and how they affect paddle performance can be...

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Paddle Throat Stiffness

In a previous article, “Paddle Dynamics”, we described the trampoline and diving board effects and how these paddle dynamic characteristics affect paddle power.  We further postulated that if the paddle dynamics are properly tuned, both the trampoline and diving board...

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Paddle Dynamics

Since the shape, weight, and materials of the various pickleball paddles on the market may seem to be identical, one might conclude that all paddles are the same.  While this may be true on the lower end of the paddle...

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