Pickleball Science

Paddle Science

These articles describe the technology and science related to pickleball paddles, including the sweet spot, materials, shape, weight, balance, friction, etc.

Paddle Dynamics & PBCoR

In a previous article, we evaluated the paddle / ball coefficient of restitution test (PBCoR) using principles of conservation of momentum and energy.  This evaluation found that after accounting for the elastic deformation of the ball and the rigid-body motions of the ball and paddle, only 2.3% of the kinetic energy remains for deformation of […]

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Analysis of the PBCoR Test

The pickleball Coefficient of Restitution (CoR) has become a hot topic in recent weeks, as the USAP has adopted a new Paddle / Ball CoR testing standard (PBCoR).  This test was considered necessary in order to reduce the so-called “trampoline effect” in paddles, which was felt to give players an unfair advantage by adding power

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Paddle Frequency & Power

In several articles (see for example “Paddle Dynamics“), we alluded to the idea that the amount of power in a pickleball paddle is maximized with lower-stiffness paddles.  This is due to the fact that when you strike the ball, the force of the ball causes the paddle face to deform like a trampoline and the

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Paddle Throat Stiffness

In a previous article, “Paddle Dynamics”, we described the trampoline and diving board effects and how these paddle dynamic characteristics affect paddle power.  We further postulated that if the paddle dynamics are properly tuned, both the trampoline and diving board modes will reach maximum amplitude simultaneously with the release of the ball, thereby increasing the

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Paddle Dynamics

Since the shape, weight, and materials of the various pickleball paddles on the market may seem to be identical, one might conclude that all paddles are the same.  While this may be true on the lower end of the paddle spectrum, there are significant differences in paddle performance at the higher end.  What causes these

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