Pickleball Science

Paddle Science

These articles describe the technology and science related to pickleball paddles, including the sweet spot, materials, shape, weight, balance, friction, etc.

Jansen vs Devidze Revisited

The women’s semi-final singles match of the Selkirk Red Rock Open in St. George, Utah in April 2023, featured Lea Jansen verses Salome Devidze.  During this match, Devidze hit several groundstrokes for winners with an exceptional amount of velocity and topspin.  Based on the lower frequency “thud” of Devidze’s paddle and the amount of velocity […]

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Paddle Weight and Momentum

A review of several advertisements, articles, and videos on the internet finds numerous misconceptions, contradictions, and erroneous claims regarding paddle weight, power, and speed.  Proponents of both lighter and heavier paddles each claim that their lighter or heavier paddles will allow you to hit the ball harder, faster, and with increased accuracy.  Who is right? 

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Textured Carbon Fiber Paddles

Carbon fiber has quickly become the material of choice for high-performance pickleball paddles because of its low weight, high stiffness, and high strength when compared to other materials.  Depending on the grade of carbon fiber and its weave pattern, the fibers themselves can provide a rough surface finish that can increase friction between the ball

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How is Topspin Generated?

The ability to apply topspin to a pickleball is a fundamental and important tool that pickleball players should have in their arsenal.  There are numerous instructional videos on the internet that describe the various techniques and exercises that a pickleball player may practice to put topspin on their serves and groundstrokes.  Similarly, there are numerous

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Pickleball Paddle Materials

After starting to play pickleball with a wooden or inexpensive “beginner” paddle, you realize that like many others, you have become addicted to the sport and want to buy your own “performance” paddle.  These paddles may range from about $50 to over $300, coming in a wide range of shapes, sizes, materials, weights, and thicknesses. 

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How Large is the Sweet Spot?

Pickleball paddle manufacturers often advertise that their paddles have a larger sweet spot than others based on a variety of factors, including the paddle face size, shape, thickness, weight, and materials.  They do not, however, provide quantitative details about the sweet spot, such as its shape, dimensions, and location.  How then, can consumers determine the

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