Pickleball Science

Paddle Science

These articles describe the technology and science related to pickleball paddles, including the sweet spot, materials, shape, weight, balance, friction, etc.

How Large is the Sweet Spot?

Pickleball paddle manufacturers often advertise that their paddles have a larger sweet spot than others based on a variety of factors, including the paddle face size, shape, thickness, weight, and materials.  They do not, however, provide quantitative details about the sweet spot, such as its shape, dimensions, and location.  How then, can consumers determine the […]

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Where is the Sweet Spot?

It is important to know the location of the sweet spot on your pickleball paddle so that you can learn to consistently hit the ball at this location to obtain the highest degree of accuracy, velocity, and power.  However, locating the sweet spot is not easy.  It is complicated by several different factors, including the

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